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How confident were you engaging
with young people at the beginning?

How confident are you engaging
with young people now?
How did you find your experience working with MTMA?
I enjoyed with working with MTMA everyone was always in a positive mind set and mood for the day and it was nice to bounce that energy off each other
It was an amazing experience, definitely taught me some skills I’ll carry with me into my future profession. Best work experience I could’ve done!
I enjoyed socialising with young people from different backgrounds and seeing how similar or different they are from me
Would you recommend others to work for MTMA?
Yes because it’s a new experience that has taught me growth and understanding and getting to know young people allows you to build bonds and connections
Yes, it’s a great opportunity to meet different people and learn about yourself
Yes definitely, because it’s very hard to find work experience that you’ll genuinely enjoy, and I believe MTMA is perfect for those who want to be active and having fun all throughout their work experience.
What have you learnt from this experience?
I have learnt how to engage and make the young people day as positive as possible because for MTMA it was a group of people sharing talent that young people can express themselves and gain confidence
I’ve definitely learnt how to communicate better with young people, it’s one thing being taught how to handle certain situations and it’s another actually being in that environment
One thing i've learnt is that I really am more confident than I thought when working with young people
I've also learnt a lot about how important goal setting is as it's not something I saw as really important before
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